4th Trail Sprint Italy Cup 2022
Treviso – June 4th 2022

RACE BULLETIN N. 1  –  April 13th 2022


Orienteering Treviso ASD club welcomes all orienteers and their companions.
The race will take place in Treviso urban area, the terrain is inside its historical centre, full of alleys, narrow streets, vaults, streams and parks.
Together with ASCOM (Detailers Association) we also offer you the chance to explore our town not only under a sport view: you will be able to enjoy Treviso through some short thematic guided tours

Programme details
1:00 p.m. meeting and event office opening
2.30 p.m. First start
5.30 p.m. Prize ceremony

Organization Staff
Club: Orienteering Treviso ASD
Race director: Francesco Bazan
FISO Technical Delegate: Dario D’Amico
Course Designer: Pierpaolo Corona
Course controller: Erik Nicolao
Start Coordinator: Francesco Catarin
Finish Coordinator: Michele Pozzebon
Event Office Manager: Chiara Sanzovo
I.T. Manager: Alessio Dalfollo
Facebook live: Federico Bruni
Speaker: Stefano Galletti

Italian Covid 19 guidelines/restrictions
Athletes must strictly apply to COVID guidelines issued by FISO (Italian federation for orienteering). FFP2 mask must be worn in case of crowded areas.
Greenpass is NOT mandatory.

Mandatory route maps for carparks, venue and event centre
Downtown and one-way road surrounding Treviso walls are embargoed areas.
To reach carparks and entry centre/meeting point you are requested to follow herebelow routes.
You will be allowed to get to hotels or B&B situated downtown only after the race has ended, that should be around 6.00 p.m.
Carparks: 10 minutes on foot far from the entry centre; some of them are free, others are on charge per hour.

Carparks details and Geo.coordinates:
Posteggio Appiani 45.667948, 12.230994
Silos Appiani 45.669373, 12.229337
Posteggio Miani 45.662282, 12.230107
Posteggio via Olivi 45.663971, 12.230551 Free
Posteggio Eden 45.665201, 12.228613 Free

Motorhome park area: the nearest one is close to Football Stadium “Omobono Tenni”, Geo.coordinates
45.670028, 12.257889. 
10 minutes walking from there you’ll find bus stop for bus # 61 which will take you near the event centre in a short time.

Route map to reach car parks entering from highway exit “Treviso Sud” or from South/East and West

Route map to reach car parks entering from highway exit “Treviso Nord” or from North

Above indications are mandatory as the road surrounding the city walls is embargoed area.

Mandatory route map to reach entry centre from suggested carparks.

Meeting place – Entry office and Race Arena
Meeting place, entry centre and office are situated inside College “PIO X” sporting area in Bartolo D’Alviano Avenue – Geo.coordinates: 45.668567, 12.235888

Toilets available inside a Gym.
As per COVID 19 guidelines issued by FISO on April 16th 2022 there won’t be any changing room.
Parking close to meeting place is not allowed.

Race arena is near the meeting place, over the city walls.
It is not allowed to put club tents on the fields.

Entries and payments
Entry: only online via orienteeringonline.net
Online entry closing date: May 30th – 11.59 p.m.
Beginners and Direct course Entry: can be done the race day within 1.30 p.m. and until race maps are available.

BEGINNERS, DIRECT, M/W10, M/W12, M/W14, M/W16: € 7,00
M/W18, M/W20, ME/WE, M/W35, M/W40, M/W45, M/W50, M/W55, M/W60, M/W65, M/W70, M/W75, MB/WB: € 12,00
SI-card hire fee: € 1,50 (no SIAC AIR card rentable)

As per COVID 19 guidelines issued by FISO fees can only be paid in advance via bank transfer – one bank transfer per club. Bank details:
beneficiary: Orienteering Treviso ASD
IBAN: IT32U0890462180027000000983
Bank: Banca Prealpi San Biagio Credito Cooperativo

Please send payment receipt via mail within Thursday June 2nd to: segreteria@orienteering.tv.it

In collaboration with ASCOM Treviso we are in a position of offering to athletes and their companions some accommodations at agreed rates. For your “after race” you’ll have the chance to make some short but amazing guided tours of Treviso. You’ll find more details here.

Maps and indicative course plans length
Terrain: urban area – Equidistance: 2,5 metres – updating and omologation 2022.
Maps scale: 1:4000 for all courses.
Size A4; printed on blueback paper. In case of rain, plastic transparent envelopes will be available at the start.
Length of course plans will be published in the next bulletins – they conform to RTF race times.

Punch Type
Both Sport Ident and AIR+, even at finish point. Traditional punch can also be used.  NO SIAC rental available. Punch control code is only on checkpoints.

Start procedure
The start is 10 minutes on foot far from meeting place.
Here is the starts procedure organizations:

Control description
Controls description is printed on the map itself which will be given to you at the start. A brief controls description is available at the start corridor min “-2”.
No tapes and scissors are available.

The results will be available live on Oribos Live.

Prize ceremony
Close to the race arena at 5,30 p.m. indicatively.
Prizes will be given to the first three athletes of each course.
For “Elite” course, prizes will be given to first six ones.
Thanks to ASCOM and our sponsors we can offer great and very interesting prizes.

At present time, due to COVID 19 restrictions, changing rooms and final refreshment at the race end are not expected. In case of any change we will inform you in the next bulletins.